

    Fotograaf Eric Lafforgue Kan Dingen

    Aram Pan probeert met zijn fotoproject DPRK360 (inclusief Facebookpagina) Noord Korea als een soort paradijs te promoten: “…The purpose of this project is to encourage understanding of the country and uncover the mysteries that lay hidden. Through better understanding, fear can be removed and friendships can be made…”. Maar feit blijft dat het gros van de mensen in Noord-Korea in grote armoede en angst leeft. Dan kan je nog zulke mooie foto’s online rammen, het verandert niets aan dit gegeven. Fotograaf Eric Lafforgue heeft het wel voor elkaar gekregen om en wat eerlijker beeld van Noord-Korea te maken. Op zijn site is een mooi overzicht te vinden van de foto’s die hij in Noord-Korea heeft geschoten, maar een aantal heeft hij verwijderd, nadat hij het land uit is geflikkerd tijdens zijn laatste trip in 2012. Die foto’s zijn hieronder te vinden, inclusief onderschrift. De rest van zijn portfolio is overigens ook absoluut de moeite waard om te bekijken, want zoals de titel al zegt, Fotograaf Eric Lafforgue kan dingen.

    I was banned after my last trip in September 2012 when I published some photos on the web
    I was banned after my last trip in September 2012 when I published some photos on the web
    The photos are honest, but show a side to the country that is legitimately frightening.
    The photos are honest, but show a side to the country that is legitimately frightening.
    The repression and struggle in these photos are totally real.
    The repression and struggle in these photos are totally real.
    Life is brutal in many parts of North Korea.
    Life is brutal in many parts of North Korea.
    But even if life is hard...
    But even if life is hard…
    These villagers love their dear leader.
    These villagers love their dear leader.
    North Korean officials forbid people from taking pictures of the poor.
    North Korean officials forbid people from taking pictures of the poor.
    Even if they exist in many places around the world.
    Even if they exist in many places around the world.
    On the day of the Kimjongilia festival, thousands of North Koreans must queue up to visit various monuments.
    On the day of the Kimjongilia festival, thousands of North Koreans must queue up to visit various monuments.
    Most people would never have the chance to look inside the borders of North Korea.
    Most people would never have the chance to look inside the borders of North Korea.
    But these photos will help thousands realize what life is really like there.
    But these photos will help thousands realize what life is really like there.
    Many people aren't accustomed to modern technology, like cell phones, flash cameras or even vehicles.
    Many people aren’t accustomed to modern technology, like cell phones, flash cameras or even vehicles.
    Times are hard for many families living in North Korea.
    Times are hard for many families living in North Korea.
    Travel in between towns is almost nonexistent. Citizens require permits to do so.
    Travel in between towns is almost nonexistent. Citizens require permits to do so.
    Both showing poverty and wealth is forbidden.
    Both showing poverty and wealth is forbidden.
    You cannot photograph soldiers relaxing.
    You cannot photograph soldiers relaxing.
    Or malnutrition.
    Or malnutrition.
    Only the elite shop in normal supermarkets.
    Only the elite shop in normal supermarkets.
    Safety standards are almost nonexistent.
    Safety standards are almost nonexistent.
    When visiting the delphinium in Pyongyang, you can photograph the animals, but not the soldiers who make up 99 per cent of the crowd.
    When visiting the delphinium in Pyongyang, you can photograph the animals, but not the soldiers who make up 99 per cent of the crowd.
    I was asked to delete this picture by guards, who feared that he would report this mother and child resting as being homeless.
    I was asked to delete this picture by guards, who feared that he would report this mother and child resting as being homeless.
    This would be considered a terrible offense: a broom leaning against a statue of Kim Il Sung.
    This would be considered a terrible offense: a broom leaning against a statue of Kim Il Sung.
    This kind of picture is very common, but guides get furious if you take it.
    This kind of picture is very common, but guides get furious if you take it.
    Guides love it when you take pictures of families owning computers... but not when it's obvious that no one has electricity.
    Guides love it when you take pictures of families owning computers… but not when it’s obvious that no one has electricity.
    aking pictures of Kim statues from the back is also considered very rude.
    aking pictures of Kim statues from the back is also considered very rude.
    This is the line to take the bus.
    This is the line to take the bus.
    And very often those buses break down and this happens.
    And very often those buses break down and this happens.
    In the art centre of Pyongyang, we experienced a power outage, a daily event the North Koreans hate to show. When it happens, they tell you it’s because of the American embargo.
    In the art centre of Pyongyang, we experienced a power outage, a daily event the North Koreans hate to show. When it happens, they tell you it’s because of the American embargo.
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    05/01/2015 - 12:42 12:42

    Heerst enorm!

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